Fourteenth Station of the Cross
Grotto of the Lord’s Tomb
Fourteenth Station of the Cross
Grotto of the Lord’s Tomb
Beneath Calvary (Station XII) there is the Grotto of the Lord’s Tomb – the XIV Station of the Cross. As we enter, the two angels guarding the entrance greet us. Opposite the lifeless body of Jesus stands the weeping Mary Magdalene. At this point, we complete our meditation on the Lord’s Passion. Let us recall, however, that death does not have the final word for Christ has risen!
This is why there is in the grotto another chapel. On the right side, you can find the Chapel of the Last Judgment adorned with beautiful fluorescent rocks which disclose their beauty and the profound symbolism of the chapel only after the electric lights are turned off and the quartz lamps are illuminated.
We know that during the Passion of Jesus, his mother Mary shared his suffering, becoming the Mother of Sorrows. The “Seven Sorrows of Mary” – the sufferings which accompanied her throughout her entire life – are made up of seven sculptures on the walls of the grotto: the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the Flight into Egypt, the loss of Jesus at the festival in Jerusalem, the meeting of Mary with her Son Jesus on His way to Calvary, the crucifixion and death of Jesus, and the placing of the body of Jesus in the tomb.
Each sculpture is enclosed and adorned by a beautiful collection of crystals from all over the world, veritable “miracles of nature” created by God.
1A. Monastery
1B. St. John Paul II Hall
2A. Figure of Our Lady of Ludźmierz
2B. Arcades
2C. Jubilee Cross
3. Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy
4. Office
5. Gift Shop
6. Restroom
7. Banquet Hall
8. Grotto of Mother of God
9. Grotto of the Lord’s Tomb
(Station XIV) and Calvary (Station XII)
10. “Scala Sancta” (Holy Stairway)
11. Highlander’s Chapel
12. Picnic Areas
A. St. Raphael Kalinowski Statue
B. St. Maximilian Kolbe Statue
C. St. John Paul II Statue
D. Statue of St. Therese with Her Father
E. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Statue
F. St. Bernadette Statue
G. Our Lady of Lourdes Statue
H. Sacred Heart Statue
First sorrow: The prophecy of Simeon
First second: The flight into Egypt
First third: Loss of the Child Jesus for three days
First fourth: Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary
First fifth: Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
First sixth: The body of Jesus being taken
from the Cross
First seventh: The burial of Jesus