Perpetual Mass League

In most cases, Masses are offered for the faithful departed only for the immediate future. None of us, however, knows the period of detention in the cleansing fires of Purgatory. For this reason, we would all like to have some assurance that the departed soul continues to receive the benefit of Mass offerings.

With this intention in mind, most religious Orders have instituted Perpetual Mass Leagues in which the departed souls can be enrolled. The Carmelite Perpetual Mass League gives the soul of the departed the benefit of Holy Mass said weekly for their intention in everyone of the more than 1,000 Carmelite monasteries throughout the world. Also, daily prayers and sacrifices are offered by every Carmelite Father, Brother and Sister for the intentions of the holy souls enrolled in the League. Membership in the League lasts forever and includes 70 Masses each year.

The regular offering to enroll one person is $20; an entire family (including living persons) may be enrolled for the offering $40.

An enrollment certificate will be forwarded acknowledging membership in the Carmelite Perpetual Mass League.