Holy Masses


8:30 AM & 12:00 PM - Polish Masses
10:00 AM - English Mass

Confessions during each Sunday Mass


Monday - Friday:
6:00 AM & 8:00 AM - English Masses

7:00 PM - Polish Mass (except: Fridays English Mass!)

5:00 PM - English Mass (Sunday Vigil Mass)

7:00 PM - Polish Mass (I Saturday of the month only!)



Every Thursday - Polish Mass at 7:00 PM (preceded by the Marian Devotion) is celebrated at the church in all intentions recommended to intercession of Our Lady of Ludźmierz


First Friday of the month: 7:00 PM - English Mass with First Friday Devotion


First Saturday of the month: 7:00 PM - Polish Mass with Immaculate Heart of Mary's Devotion




Confessions during each Sunday Mass

Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturday: 4:45 PM

First Fridays: 6:30 PM


Thursday: All-day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Church)

8:30 AM - 7:00 PM ended by the Marian Devotion at 7:00 PM (in Polish)


Fatima Devotion: Every 13-th, from May to October:

7:00 PM (Church; in English)


First Friday Devotion: after Holy Mass at 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM (in English)


Devotions (in Polish only) after 7:00 PM (Polish Masses):


  • in May - May Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • in June - Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Devotions (in Polish only) at 6:30 PM (before Polish Masses at 7:00 PM):


  • in October – Rosary
  • in November - Prayers for the souls